A Sustainable Society

While the use of recycling in sustainable living is sometimes seen as an extra (and often avoided) financial burden, over the last year Vinnies in Wellington has made efforts to prove the opposite, by opting for low-cost methods of waste disposal. This has been achieved with the help of a “Your Sustainable Workplace” audit by Sustainability Trust, a gradual elimination of the use of plastics in op shops, and the successful Re Sew programme operating since November in a space above Vinnies in Kilbirnie.

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The next Gen of Social Justice leaders.

The first vivid memory I have of witnessing a social justice issue was when I was maybe 7 or 8 and I was on a small trip up to Auckland. My family and I were walking through the city and I was shocked to see how many people were living on the streets. In the moment, I was scared at first - they were strangers asking for money and I didn’t know how to react.

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Laurelei Bautista
Recycle. Retrain. Re Sew.

The cosy mezzanine looking out over the Vinnies Op Shop in Kilbirnie is more than just a sewing space. For the people who attend Re Sew it’s a safe haven. A sanctuary. A creative space. A second chance.

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Allison Hess
Why Food Banks?

One of the main ways that poverty manifests is through food insecurity. Many households in New Zealand do not have the means to provide food for themselves, or their families. As food is crucial for healthy development, and providing the energy to pursue an active and productive life, it is vital to address this issue as one of urgency. If an individual does not have the basic means necessary to pursue opportunities, it is unlikely that they will be able to escape poverty.

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