Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies) gathered last month to celebrate mass with Cardinal John Dew, for the feast day of their namesake.
Vinnies is an international Catholic lay organisation inspired by the Gospels of Jesus Christ. They are a grass-roots organisation, whose members and volunteers have been helping countless families and individuals in New Zealand for more than 150 years. Vincentians work in a caring and practical manner to promote human dignity and justice through personal contact with those in need, hence their motto, “People Helping People”. Their mission is to help people in crisis, comforting them and assuring them that their burdens are not meant to be carried alone.
Cardinal John’s Homily spoke to the charism of the society, likening the work carried out by the society to the actions of Jesus Christ in the Gospel. How he went out of his way to seek out, and care to the needs of the poor, sick and those perceived as outcasts.
“The St Vincent de Paul Society has brought together people committed to supporting people experiencing hardship.” – Cardinal John Dew
“The harvest is abundant, but the labourers are few, so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest.” - Matthew 9:35
“Christ’s prayer is our prayer. As much today as ever, we need people willing to actively show the love of God to people who feel abandoned by society for their material and spiritual needs.” – Cardinal John Dew
The society would like to say thank you to everybody who attended, and to Cardinal John and his team who wish to make this celebration an annual event.
If you’d like to learn more about the St Vincent de Paul Society, please visit, ‘find help’.