St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington

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Christmas Giving in the Eastern Suburbs

St. Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar Conference says a big thank you to Holy Trinity Parish parishioners, to pupils, parents and staff of Holy Cross and St Anthony’s schools and St Patrick’s College Young Vinnies, Vinnies Foodbank, New World Miramar and Repco Lyall Bay, and Vinnies members.  Your response to our appeal for groceries, treats and presents for our Christmas boxes delivered to those in most need, was overwhelming.  Thanks again to New World Miramar who were extremely generous by donating vouchers for a range of groceries, toiletries and produce to place in the boxes. 

On Friday 14 December 2018, the Seatoun and Miramar members and friends of St. Vincent de Paul Society put together boxes and hampers, delivering them to over 60 households for 230 people most in need of this extra help at this time of year. Thank you to the sorters, drivers and their helpers who delivered all these boxes. Each and every person was a cog in the wheel of this act of kindness in the Holy Christmas spirit to our neighbours.