Donate to support our Wellington Community
Babies, children, families and individuals in Wellington Central are living in poverty and extreme hardship.
Please consider making a donation today and give those in need a brighter, warmer future. Donations from this page go directly to the Wellington City Conference.
The Wellington City Conference is one of three of St Vincent de Paul Wellington’s welfare conferences. They look after food parcels, visitations and social support for those living in the Wellington Central suburbs.
For other donations visit here: Donate today — St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington (
Receipts for donations made via the donations box above will be issued automatically and sent to the email address provided. Alternatively, you can donate via internet banking using the following details.
Name of BNZ Bank Account: St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington
Account Number:- 02-0576-0017817-007
Reference: Donation
All monetary donations of $5 and over qualify for a tax credit. Please contact us if you make a direct debit donation and require a tax receipt. You will need to provide us with your full name and postal address.